Your waste collections made easier

Our software solutions help grow and trace recyclables collections in emerging markets.

Start a Collection Campaign.
Grow your tonnes of recyclable. Enroll more collectors. Enlarge your ecosystem.

Monitor your deliveries & purchases in real time. Full traceability even if you are offline & your collectors have no phone.

KOLEKT helps consumer goods companies, recyclers and PROs grow collection of recyclables in emerging markets. We do this together with informal waste collectors and our mobile technology.

If you need

  • to collect > 2000 tonnes of packaging waste per year,

  • have it recycled, ideally in Vietnam or Brazil, with positive impact on waste pickers,

  • to receive a recycling audit report or certification (plastic credits),

  • all paid and traced in real time via a digital app (Kolekt).

Then customise a Circular Action Programme (CAP) with us.

Uncollected waste is likely to triple by 2040. The challenge is to improve collection, especially in developing countries.

We collect harder to recycle materials in harder to reach places. Those usually skipped by municipal and private waste companies.

All our projects are made possible by informal waste collectors. With over 11 million waste pickers worldwide, they collect 60% of all recyclables. That's why they earn more with us.

Circular Action pays 'unbanked' waste pickers and makes waste collection traceable via our mobile app KOLEKT.

Email us for an appointment or a call